Phenomenal You
In this workshop, Haydee Antezana focuses on attitude and confidence. Learn how your self-talk can make or break you, establish a powerful new perspective on life, develop the habits of a confident person and boost your self-esteem as you learn the worth of an attitude of altitude.

The Superwoman Syndrome

Designed for women who are feeling overwhelmed by the many pressures of life, this interactive and lively presentation conducted by Haydee Antezana will help you to discover how to simplify your life, get where you want to be, become less of a perfectionist, learn to take care of yourself and cope with daily stress. Recommended for any woman who has ever wished she had an extra pair of hands or more hours in the day!

REAL Motivation for Real Success

Hector Motau discovered his purpose while working as a radio personality and has never looked back since. In his unique and hilarious way, The REAL Motivator shares about his personal journey of purpose, making this presentation very powerful, practical and REAL.