The 2010 soccer festivities bring a wealth of opportunities for South African businesses. Ensure your staff are equipped to provide excellent service and make a good impression on foreign and local visitors alike with the presentations listed here.

“Be the next CBE” Chief Breakthrough Employee
Make 2010 the year of your personal and financial breakthrough. Are you prepared for the possibilities of abundance? Reignite and relocate your mindset in order to position yourself for the coming possibilities, but your personal breakthrough must come first! This presentation will empower you with practical tips, strategies and tools on how to:

  • create a remarkable impression with your visual brand
  • design and live a meaningful personal brand
  • be ahead of the pack and prepare yourself for this majestic 2010 event

First Impressions For Lasting Opinions
Discover the power of first impressions and the key to designing an authentic personal brand that will yield the results you desire. Topics include investment dressing, the essentials of a polished professional, the five A’s of an ideal outfit, workplace warts – absolute no-no’s, and how to buy smart and look great on any budget, among others.

Communication Excellence
The key to success is the ability to communicate effectively. This workshop will assist you in planning your communication, identifying its purpose, constructing a message, structuring your ideas logically and speaking your client’s language. Presented by Mariette Malherbe.

REAL Motivation for Effective Service Delivery
It’s common to hear people complaining about appalling service from different organisations in South Africa. It is a fact that our general service standards are not up to scratch and something drastic ought to be done sooner than later. With the 2010 World Cup coming up, it makes the situation even more urgent. In this presentation Hector Motau gives REAL tips on how to improve service levels.

Power Etiquette
What you don’t know can destroy your career. Wherever you may be and whomever you meet during your business interactions, the correct business etiquette will accelerate your career opportunities and provide you with a one-way ticket to success. Learn why manners make a difference, office dos and don’ts and what your handshake says about you. Other topics covered in this presentation include cell-phone, email, and meal manners; business card etiquette; the fine art of small talk; mastering the first greeting; impressive introductions and office-party etiquette. Presented by Haydee Antezana.

REAL Motivation for Teams

It is clear that the concept of team work has been with mankind from time in memorial given the idiomatic expressions referring to it in all languages. However, it looks like over the decades people lost this important value which was crucial for productivity and progress. Hector Motau’s mission is to restore it in your organization. He has conducted this presentation for various teams across a range of industries with outstanding results.

Telephone Skills
This training is aimed at improving the professionalism and efficiency of staff to communicate over the telephone. Conducted by Marija Ruygrok.

English in the Workplace
A practical programme targeted at second-language English speakers, focusing on improving written and spoken English relevant in the workplace. Conducted by Marija Ruygrok.

Your Vibrant Voice
Marija Ruygrok conducts one-on-one voice training for both first- and second-language English speakers. The focus is on improving confidence, clarity, pronunciation, voice projection and expression to ensure your vocal brand makes the best impression on those around you.

REAL Motivation for Real Success
Hector Motau discovered his purpose while working as a radio personality and has never looked back since. In his unique and hilarious way, The REAL Motivator shares about his personal journey of purpose, making this presentation very powerful, practical and REAL.

For a detailed proposal contact us on:
Tel: (011) 469 1396